Bouquet Subscriptions
Treat yourself or someone you love to bouquets on a regular basis. Subscriptions are a great way to watch the garden change as we move from spring to fall. You may choose to receive your flowers either monthly or bi-weekly by delivery or pickup at the roadside stand in Mt. Zion, IL.
The bi-weekly seasons are divided into two segments with 5 bouquets each or 10 if you choose full season. Exact dates are determined by Mother Nature, but generally first season runs late May - late July and second season runs late July - late September. The monthly subscription also includes 5 bouquets, generally May - September.
Flowers will be grower’s choice and feature the freshest annual and perennial stems available each week, wrapped in craft paper to be placed in vessel of your choice. All stems are harvested and conditioned to give you the longest vase life possible.